The current implementation of our “Z+” platform is basically fine, but we could definitely make improvements. We’ve started prototyping a “second generation” client based on ASP.NET Core.

.NET Core Generic Host

Most coverage of ASP.NET Core focuses on the Web Host for hosting web apps via the (very excellent) Kestral web server. However, it also has a “generic host” for normal applications- those that don’t process HTTP requests.

Add Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting package to your project:

dotnet <project_name> add package Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting

Bring extension methods and types into scope:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

In Program.cs:

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var host = new HostBuilder()
        .ConfigureHostConfiguration(configBuilder => {
        .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) => {
        await host.RunAsync();

On its own this doesn’t do much. But ConfigureServices() is used to register services (“dependencies”) with the service (“dependency injection”) container.


IHostedService defines methods for background tasks that are managed by the host. Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.BackgroundService is a base class for implementing long-running services. Reading:

Here’s a service that starts our ASP.NET Core WebHost:

public class HttpXy : BackgroundService
    public HttpXy(IConfiguration configuration, IZxyContext context)

    protected override Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken token)
        var webHostBuilder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder();
        webHost = webHostBuilder.Build();
        return webHost.StartAsync(token);

    public override Task StopAsync(CancellationToken token)
        return webHost.StopAsync(token);

ASP.NET Core uses constructor-based dependency injection (DI) so the constructor parameters (its dependencies) will be resolved from the registered services.

Each BackgroundService can be registered with the generic host using AddHostedService() or AddSingleton():

    // In Program.cs
    var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) => {
        //services.AddSingleton(typeof(IHostedService), typeof(HttpXy));
        services.AddSingleton<IHostedService, HttpXy>();

Now their startup and lifetime are managed by the host.


We’re still using MEF2/System.Composition to break our program into loadable shared libraries. The assembly for our HTTP service also contains:

public class HttpPlugin : IServicePlugin
    public string Name => "http";
    public Type GetService()
        return typeof(HttpXy);

This time we’re keeping the classes we Export as simple as possible because GetExports() instantiates them. Previously, some of our types had non-trivial initialization code, such that they were expensive to load even if we ended up not using them.

We create composition containers for all shared libraries found in our plugin directory:

public class MEF2Plugins
    public MEF2Plugins(string path)
        var files = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.dll", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        foreach (var file in files)
            var configuration = new ContainerConfiguration();
            var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(file);

    public List<T> GetExports<T>()
        var ret = new List<T>();
        foreach (var container in containers)
        return ret;

Add all services found to the DI container:

public static void Load(IServiceCollection services, ServiceConfiguration config)
    var plugins = mef2.GetExports<IServicePlugin>();
    foreach (var plugin in plugins)
        // Filter enabled plugins
        if (config.IsEnabled(plugin))
            services.AddSingleton(typeof(IHostedService), plugin.GetService());

This blog introduced us to Scrutor which looks like an alternative to using MEF tailored to ASP.NET Core. We might look into it later.


ASP.NET Core has an extensive system for application configuration. Background reading:

  • Early on came across this blog on how to use JSON, but doesn’t really seem complete
  • Here is the MS documentation on configuration in ASP.NET Core
  • Closely related is safe-guarding sensitive data like passwords
  • This blog shows how to have strongly-typed configuration via IOptions<T>
  • And the relevant MS documentation that goes into additional detail
  • This post covers using POCO configuration without any dependency on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

In appsettings.json:

    "urls": "http://*:8284",
            "brokerIn": "ipc://zxy-brokerIn",
            "brokerOut": "ipc://zxy-brokerOut"

Configuration data is hierarchical: "zxy" is a section and "http" and "nng" are subsections of it.

Need to copy appsettings.json to the output folder. To the project file add:

    <None Update="appsettings.json" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />

In Program.cs add configuration:

var host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureHostConfiguration(configBuilder => {
    configBuilder.AddJsonFile("local.json", optional: true);

Here we add three “providers”: two JSON files and command line arguments. Configuration sources are processed in the order specified, in this case starting with appsettings.json. That is overridden by values from local.json, if it exists (it could be local preferences that shouldn’t be checked into SCC). Finally, command line arguments take highest precedence.

AddCommandLine() allows us to override settings from the command line. For example, if using Visual Studio Code in launch.json:

"configurations": [
        "args": ["--zxy:http:port=9001"],

In particular, note that the “section” and “key” values are separated by “:”.

Since we want to treat our services as self-contained plugins, we don’t provide specific IOption<> configuration types via DI:

class Config
    public int Port {get; set;}

public class HttpXy : BackgroundService
    IConfiguration configuration;
    Config config;
    IZxyContext zxyContext;

    public HttpXy(IConfiguration configuration, IZxyContext context)
        this.configuration = configuration;
        var section = configuration.GetSection("zxy:http");
        config = new Config();
        zxyContext = context;

    protected override Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken token)
        var webHostBuilder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
        .UseKestrel(options => {
            // Set the listening port using the `zxy:http:port` value
            var port = config.Port;
            options.Listen(IPAddress.Loopback, port);

Each service has a dependency on the configuration root. It can now have its own configuration section (i.e. zxy:http) that is accessible in a type-safe way (via Config instance).

Alternatively, individual values can be loaded with the longer configuration.GetSection("zxy:http").GetValue<int>("port").

Note that WebHost can also be implicitly configured because the default WebHostBuilder looks for urls and other values in the configuration.


The logging system is likewise extensive. Definitely read “Logging in ASP.NET Core”.

Bring extension methods into scope:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

Configure logging and add “providers” that display or otherwise process logging:

    var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, loggingBuilder) => {
        // Add providers
        loggingBuilder.AddDebug(); // Visual Studio "Output" window

The “event source” option is interesting because it allows you to use PerfView. Also need to add package:

dotnet <project_name> add package Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventSource

Can add configuration to appsettings.json to configure the default and per-category (e.g. "System") logging levels:

    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Debug",
            "System": "Information",

You can get a logger instance ILogger<T> via DI (T is the log category), and log messages with the various Log{LogLevel}() methods:

public class NngBroker : BackgroundService
    public NngBroker(ILogger<NngBroker> logger)
        this.logger = logger;
        logger.LogInformation("Broker started");

    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken token)

    readonly ILogger<NngBroker> logger;

Log messages use a template for “semantic logging”. Note that it uses optionally named positional placeholders:

// OK
logger.LogInformation("{msg} {topic:x}", msg, topic);
logger.LogInformation("{Message} {Topic:x}", msg, topic);
logger.LogInformation("{} {:x}", msg, topic);
// Works, but confusing; output is actually $"{msg} {topic}"
logger.LogInformation("{topic} {msg:x}", msg, topic);
// BAD
logger.LogInformation("{0} {1:x}", msg, topic);

But wait, there’s more:


We’ve been using ZeroMQ for communication. Actually, NetMQ along with NetMQ.WebSockets for WebSocket support (for our HTML5-based UI).

Our overlay and input-hooking systems (C++) moved to nanomsg for IPC/named-pipe support. We also noted it has “native” support for WebSocket and would be a good replacement for ZeroMQ. We did some initial investigation accessing nanomsg from C#; we forked NNanomsg to convert it to .Net Standard.

Apparently NNG (nanomsg-next-generation) is being developed as the successor to nanomsg (with the latter now in “maintinence mode”). For C#, we forked csnng (again, to convert it to .Net Standard and fix some issues), but have since abandoned it for our own nng.NETCore.

Here’s a background service that creates a simple NNG broker. It also nicely illustrates everything together:

class NngConfig
    public string BrokerIn {get; set;}
    public string BrokerOut {get; set;}

public class NngBroker : BackgroundService
    public NngBroker(ILogger<NngBroker> logger, FactoryType factory, IConfiguration configuration)
            this.logger = logger;
            this.factory = factory;

            config = new NngConfig();
            var nngSection = configuration.GetSection("zxy:nng");

            logger.LogInformation("Broker started");

    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken token)
        // Create simple nng broker that receives messages with puller and publishes them
        var pullSocket = factory.PullerCreate(config.BrokerIn, true).Unwrap();
        var input = pullSocket.CreateAsyncContext(factory).Unwrap();
        var output = factory.PublisherCreate(config.BrokerOut).Unwrap().CreateAsyncContext(factory).Unwrap();

        while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
            var msg = await input.Receive(token);
            logger.LogInformation("Broker: {} {:x}", msg, topic);
            if (!await output.Send(msg))
                await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Failed!");

    readonly ILogger<NngBroker> logger;
    readonly FactoryType factory;
    readonly NngConfig config;

Where FactoryType is dependency for creating nng resources via NNG native assemly (see nng.NETCore source):

public class NngSingletonPlugin : ISingletonInstancePlugin
    public Type ServiceType()
        return typeof(FactoryType);

    public object CreateInstance()
        var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location);
        var loadContext = new NngLoadContext(path);
        var factory = NngLoadContext.Init(loadContext);
        return factory;


We’ve got a good start for a new layer0: microservices loaded from plugins, HTTP server for HTML5 UI, configuration and logging, communication layer, etc. Still need to investigate how we can simplify layer1 management, whether we use Thrift or something else for serialization, and a few other key facets, but there’s already a lot to like.

Microsoft was hardly the first DI solution and most likely isn’t the best, but it plays nicely with ASP.NET Core, .NET Core in general, and the rest of the Microsoft ecosystem. In any case, I think it serves as a great replacement for our in-house microservices application scaffolding.